Osteoartrita: Cauze

Pathogenesis (development of disease) Age-related wear and tear is not the cause of osteoarthritis; rather, acute damage to articular cartilage from trauma or infection is usually at the beginning of joint destruction. Insufficient matrix synthesis and/or increased apoptosis (programmed cell death) of the chondrocytes (cartilage cells) are discussed as pathogenetic mechanisms. In osteoarthritis, the following … Osteoartrita: Cauze

Osteoartrita: Terapie

Măsuri generale Osteoartrita activată (osteoartrita cu semne de inflamație): antiinflamatoare nesteroidiene sistemice sau topice (AINS) (vezi mai jos „Terapia medicamentoasă”). Imobilizarea articulației Aplicarea locală la rece Glucocorticoizi intraarticulari („în cavitatea articulației”). Restricția nicotinei (abținerea de la consumul de tutun). Consum limitat de alcool (bărbați: maxim 25 g alcool pe zi; femei: maxim 12 g alcool pe ... Osteoartrita: Terapie

Osteoartrita: istoric medical

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of osteoarthritis. Family history Are there any diseases of the bones and joints in your family that are common? What is the general health of your relatives? Social history What is your profession? Do you have heavy physical workload in your job? Current … Osteoartrita: istoric medical

Terapia cu condroitină

Chondroitin sulfate belongs to the group of mucopolysaccharides and is a component of cartilage, connective tissue, tendons and skin. Chondroitin sulfate is a sulfated GAG – glycosaminoglycan – and one of the main components of cartilage ground substance. It inhibits the activity of cartilage-degrading lytic enzymes. Deficiency of chondroitin sulfate and other glycosaminoglycans leads to … Terapia cu condroitină

Osteoartrita: Sau altceva? Diagnostic diferentiat

Diagnostice diferențiale pentru coxartroză (osteoartrita articulației șoldului) Cardiovasculare (I00-I99). Boala ocluzivă arterială periferică (pAVD) – îngustarea sau ocluzia progresivă a arterelor care alimentează brațele/(mai frecvent) picioarele, de obicei din cauza aterosclerozei (arterioscleroză, întărirea arterelor) Gură, esofag (esofag), stomac și intestine (K00- K67; K90-K93). Hernie inghinală (hernie inghinală). Sistemul musculo-scheletic și conjunctiv... Osteoartrita: Sau altceva? Diagnostic diferentiat

Osteoartrita: complicații

The following are the most important diseases or complications that can be caused by osteoarthritis: Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99). Arthritis (joint inflammation) – this is characterized by inflammatory changes that take as synovitis (synovial inflammation) their origin in the joint capsule. Movement restriction Joint malpositions Gonarthrosis (knee joint arthrosis), contralateral with coxarthrosis (hip … Osteoartrita: complicații

Terapia cu glucozamină

Glucosamine sulfate – an amine monosaccharide – is an essential (vital) building block of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) – major components of cartilage ground substance – hyaluronic acid and synovium (“synovial fluid“). Studies have shown that glucosamine sulfate – a vital substance* (micronutrient) – was able to increase proteoglycan synthesis and thus also synovial viscosity, i.e. the … Terapia cu glucozamină

Terapia cu acid hialuronic

Hyaluronan, the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid, is a polysaccharide, more specifically a glycosaminoglycan (GAG), that is an essential component of the extracellular matrix (extracellular matrix, intercellular substance, ECM, ECM) in almost all vertebrates. Hyaluronic acid is almost ubiquitous (“found everywhere”). It occurs in higher concentrations mainly in the skin, cartilage, intervertebral discs and synovial … Terapia cu acid hialuronic